Without question, every process in our body requires enzymes. Most enzymes are obtained through our diet as the body does not produce all the enzymes necessary. We humans need enzymes to survive!
Since most of our digestive enzymes are present in foods, this makes our diet a very important topic. Most foods contain the enzymes that are needed for the human body to process all of the nutrients that it possesses. When certain foods are processed, they can be stripped of these very precious and crucial enzymes. Enzymes are tough, but there is only so much heat, chemicals and preservatives they can bear before they go caput.
The condition and quality of our soil today is another story. The soil is no longer providing enough nutrients for the plant to produce and house enough of these important enzymes.
Bloating, eczema, constipation and heartburn are just a sample of the issues caused by digestive enzyme deficiency. Common allergies and sensitivities are due to the lack of enzymes present in the digestive tract to process all of the macronutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats that a body is ingesting on a daily basis. If not processed, sitting in the digestive tract can cause irritation or the immune system may begin to attack these unprocessed “irritants,” triggering an allergic reaction.
While you don’t want to miss out on those nutrients, if the food is not digested (processed) then it will eventually be eliminated. Those great vitamins, minerals, and other great support for the body literally goes to waste. Fermented foods are great, just not when it is fermenting in your tummy.
Food that provide a quick source of digestive enzymes:
·Raw organic foods
·Sprouted grains and seeds and other green power foods (spirulina, alfalfa, etc.)
·Sea vegetables (kelp, sea weed)
·Fruits are great sources as well (Pineapples, papaya, bananas, etc)
Due to the processing of our food, daily stress, and lack of a proper diet, a daily digestive enzyme supplement is helpful for everyone. The older we get the fewer enzymes our body produces. This is where a good balance of diet and supplementation is extremely beneficial.
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