When it comes to providing patients with the best foundational support, whether it be through improving dietary intake or by incorporating whole food supplements, optimizing the gut FIRST is essential. Not only does the gut have direct connections to many of the symptoms that your patients may be walking in with, but it dictates the absorption of the nutrients your patients are aiming to assimilate from food and supplements. In terms of symptoms, such as muscle pain for instance, the gut has been found to play a pivotal role. Pimentel, et al. assessed fibromyalgia patients and it was determined that 78% were found to have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). 87% of those patients met the Rome I criteria for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.1 The numbers are staggering. What that says to me from a clinical perspective, is that if someone comes into my office having been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (FMS), there is a high likelihood that GI support may not only present, but a significant piece of the puzzle. Supporting the integrity of the gut lining with glutamine, balancing the gut bacteria with oregano, caprylic acid and probiotics would provide key support for patients needing GI support in addition to any manual therapies that may be indicated*. In addition to addressing the symptoms, though, is the need to optimize the body’s ability to absorb the nutrients that have the ability to support antioxidant levels, vascular and nerve health, all of which may have a hand in providing relief to various issues patients present with. When I recommend a multi-mineral/vitamin, fish oil etc. I want to know that the nutrients are being absorbed and utilized appropriately, otherwise, they're wasting their time, money and effort, and not getting the clinical results they're seeking.This absorption depends entirely on the integrity of the gut. So from a strategic nutrition standpoint, supporting gut health either prior to or concurrently with recommending a multi, fish oil, probiotic etc. will set the stage for the best possible outcomes. 1. Ann Rheum Dis 2004;63:450-452 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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