The Seasonal Therapeutics seminar this weekend was a great success. Practitioners from around the country came together learn from Dr. Tieraona Low Dog. The purpose of the seminar series is to blend cutting edge science and integrative medicine together with the changes of the seasons. The Autumn seminar explores the relationship of the gastrointestinal, immune and neurological systems. In understanding how the GI system impacts immune and brain health, practitioners are better able to help guide patients to better health, starting at the core. Autumn is an ideal time to focus on improving gastrointestinal function in order to prime the immune system and shore up on the body's reserves. The best time to prepare for the rigors of winter isn't during winter - its now!
The morning seminar hours focused on chronobiology, speaking specifically to the connection between the autumn season and health, and the gut microbiome. Evidence-based, targeted nutritional supplementation helps to restore integrity to the gastrointestinal mucosa, enhance digestive function and repopulate the microbiome.
After the lunch break, Dr Low Dog spoke on the clinical application of pre and probiotics, the use of hepatics, demulcents and nervines, and nutritional support for phase 1 and 2 detoxification.
The seminar concluded by taking a look at stress management strategies that encourage the exploration of gratitude and encouragement. Case studies were reviewed and the participants broke out into small groups for questions and discussion.
We loved sponsoring this event and we are so excited to learn even more at the next seminar in the series: Seasonal Therapeutics: Winter! The seminar will be held on November 17th and registration is available soon but space is limited!
We hope that you enjoy these photos from the event. And we wish you a healthful autumn season!
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