"Additives used in hundreds of children's foods and drinks can cause temper tantrums and disruptive behaviour, researchers have found. Their Government-funded study confirms what many parents have long suspected about the effect of chemicals put into sweets, biscuits and foods. Colourings in products such as Jammie Dodgers, Smarties, Jelly Tots and fizzy drinks could spark behaviour changes in up to a quarter of toddlers. Research into a group of threeyear- olds found they were more likely to lack concentration, lose their temper, interrupt others and struggle to get to sleep when they drank fruit juice dosed with colourings and preservatives."
Labels: food additives, food quality, preservatives, sugar, whole foods
Labels: andrew weil, naturopaths, ND, new hampshire, seasonal therapeutics, tour
Labels: farming, food, joel salatin, local, permaculture, sustainability, the future