Labels: low dog, seasonal therapeutics, spring, tieraona, webinar
Labels: agriculture, folks this ain't normal, gardening, joel salatin, local
"He has discovered high school biology. Now its time to go to college."
"GM foods' effect on health is uncertain, but their effect on farmers, scientists and the marketplace is clear. Some GM foods may be healthy, others not; every genetic modification is different. But every GM food becames dangerous- not to health, but to society- when it can be patented. Right now, the driving force behind the development of new genetic crop modification is the fact that they possess the potential to be enormously profitable... Thats the gist of early American patent law...and the reason why molecular biologists are spiking grapes with jellyfish genes and pulling all-nighters in pursuit of the square tomato." (full article)
"The impact of these laws has been enormous. In essence, plant patent laws created the industrialized food system that the modern food movement rightly decries."
"If the goal of the American food movement is to offer an alternative to Big Food, if the goal is to foster small farmers worldwide, to develop better connections between rural and urban environments, and to support sustainable farming techniques- then labeling GM foods, as California's Proposition 37 would have done, will not come anywhere close to doing the job. In order to overhaul the food system, the food movement must think strategically. To the Monsantos of the world, food has become a source of wild profit and a legal construct to be defended at all costs in court. That means the time has come for the food movement to take on patient laws. Instead of tilting at the windmill of food labels, food nonprofits should hire a fleet of I.P. lawyers and send them to Washington to demand reform of the Plant Patent Act. When there's less profit in genetic modification, things will get better for consumers, farmers, and scientist-pretty much everyone except corporate executives."
Labels: farmers, food movement, GMO, monsanto, non-GMO
Labels: chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, pregnancy, tomatoes, toxic