Labels: early, low dog, registration, reserve, seasonal therapeutics, spring
"Health benefits of the functional food - cereal selenized onion biscuits with bioactive complex such as selenium in organic form, quercetin (onion), curcumin (curcuma) and catechins (green tea) were evaluated. Methods: In a group of randomly selected 50 apparently healthy men, aged 30-50 years, the levels of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), homocysteine (HCy) and its nutritional determinants (methionine, vitamin B12, folic acid, cysteine, vitamin B6) and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) were measured and the LDL cholesterol and atherogenic index was calculated before and after a 2-month consumption period and after a 2-month wash-out period."The results showed a significant reduction of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, atherogenic index, HCy and ADMA was found. They concluded that the improved lipid profile and the other reduced values document a beneficial effect of the foods and show a clear role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Just goes to show - eating healthy whole foods is good for you! Remarkable!
Labels: cardiovascular, curcumin, heart disease, quercetin, research, selenium, turmeric, whole food
"Researchers at Harvard Medical School followed two groups of more than 100,000 women. The first were monitored from 1976 onwards, the second from 1989.
Their health was then compared with estimates of the levels of UV-B radiation they were exposed to, based on where they live.
In the 1976 group, those in the sunniest parts of the US getting the highest levels of sunshine were 21% less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than those getting the least UV radiation." (read full BBC article here)
Labels: arthritis, dog, dun, harvard, low, research, rheumatoid, study, sun, sunlight, sunshine, tieraona, vitamin D