What a wonderful seminar! Last weekend's Seasonal Therapeutics Seminar was a great success. And the team really enjoyed putting together the event for everyone. Here is a recap of the seminar and some photos!
The purpose of the seminar series is to blend cutting edge science and integrative medicine together with the changes of the seasons. The Winter seminar focuses on how to optimize immunity and support a healthy mood. The primary focus during this season which is filled with influenza and other viral illnesses, is how to support the body in maintaining its resiliency. The shorter days experienced in the winter can contribute to lower vitamin D exposure and seasonal affective disorder. Its important to protect against fluctuations in mood and energy.
The winter seminar series showed us how to use evidence-based, targeted nutritional supplementation, essential oils and botanical remedies to optimize cell-mediated immune function, enhance mental clarity, maintain healthy mood and energy, and ensure restful sleep. Ways to incorporate seasonal changes to the diet to enhance resilience were covered and stress management strategies like meditation, breathe work and rest were discussed.
Light and mood and the role of vitamin D was discussed in depth, as was nutrition for optimal mood and immune support. And the practitioners broke into small teams to execute some group work.
We continue to enjoy sponsoring this event and we are excited to learn even more at the next seminar in the series: Seasonal Therapeutics: Spring - The Season of Renewal. The seminar will be held on February 23 in Boston and will focus on Purification and Allergies! Register now, because space is limited!
The food and scenery has been fantastic at these events so far! Please enjoy some photos from the day!
CEO, Robert Craven and Dr Tieraona Low Dog
Folks checking out the vendor spaces before the seminar
James Doherty
Dr Low Dog taking questions
The Innate Response Customer Service ladies meditating
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